line drawing of naked male torso with sparkles

James Miille

James is a composite photographer prominently featured in the likes of Artnet and Create! Magazine. His solo exhibitions include the likes of New York, Miami, and Paris, and his recent works have had a successful reception in both queer spaces (Art Gaysel, 2023) and in high design settings (Architectural Digest, 2020).

Visual fables focused on the sensitive beauty of men have increasingly become the focus of James’ work. Also a passionate musician, James intertwines his two creative ambitions with photos inspired by his favorite songs. An ongoing project, each image aims to strike the feeling of the song and transform that feeling into a universal image.

James Miille is also a versatile force at Superfine Art Fair, bringing a profound aesthetic sensibility to the fair’s curation, artist relationships, and web development. His multi-faceted approach enriches the organization’s visual narrative. In addition to Superfine, James served as a curatorial juror for ArtSpan’s AMPLIFY awards in San Francisco last year and will be the sole juror for Nalin Kamat’s showcase of young artists under 18 at Little EGG Gallery’s NYC opening this spring.

line drawing of a orange sparkle element
line drawing of a orange sparkle element

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